Movies & TV
; Sci-Fi
Mick Harrison
Dark Horse Comics
Status: completed
Latest chapter:
TPB 2 (Part 5)
Updated at:
Jul 08, 2019
Collects Star Wars: Republic (1998) #79-80, Star Wars: Dark Times (2006) #1-12, Star Wars: Dark Times - Blue Harvest #0. Master Dass Jennir will strive to find out what it means to be a Jedi in a changed galaxy now ruled by the Empire. Master K'Kruhk—suddenly responsible for a group of Jedi younglings—will sacrifice much for their safety. The struggles of the Jedi will intertwine with those of others now living in fear, including the diverse crew of a smuggling ship, the Uhumele, and a Nosaurian whose troubles begin when the Clone Wars end.