The 2001 sequel to the 1999 Superman & Batman: Generations, this four-issue Elseworlds mini-series follows the real-time careers of The Man of Steel and The Dark Knight from their earliest days on into the future! This new series follows their adventures over eleven years rather than the decade of the previous series. Written and drawn by fan-favorite John Byrne, of X-Men, Legends, The Man of Steel, Spider-Man: Chapter One, Next Men, Wonder Woman and Lab Rats fame and colored by Trish Mulvihill. Generations II broadens it's scope to include appearances from the rest of the DC Universe. Byrne brilliantly draws in the JSA and Blackhawks during World War II; Hal Jordan's predecessor Green Lantern Abin Sur; Kid Flash, Robin, Supergirl and Wonder Girl as a junior Justice League; Deadman and Dr. Occult.