Read comic: Scourge Of The Gods: The Fall

Genres: Action ; Adventure ; Superhero
Writers: Valérie Mangin
Publishers: Marvel
Artists: Aleksa Gajic
Status: ongoing
Latest chapter: Issue #3
Updated at: Aug 05, 2020

Can even the Gods themselves control their destiny when everything seems to prove that their lives are a tragedy written thousands of years ago, that is now replaying itself on a cosmic level? The Hun king Atilla finally got what he wanted: the secret stellar coordinates of Rome, the capital planet of the Orbis. He will finally be able to become not only master of the Roman Empire, but the entire known universe. Finally, he will be a God. There is but one obstacle standing between him and eternal glory: the patrician Aetius, who is secretly Atilla’s lost lover Flavia Aetia, the immortal incarnation of the goddess of chaos, in disguise. Their confrontation will be merciless…