Read manga: Doctor’S Rebirth


I had been abroad to do medical volunteer work, when I was swept up in a civil war. I was killed by a rebel soldier, while taking a bullet for a patient. But when I finally woke up, I had become a child?!? And in front of me stood a destroyed carriage and a group of oddly dressed people, who were unconscious! "It's just like a Murim world." As I hurry to perform first aid in an attempt to save even one person, I realize that this world is that of [The Supreme Demon King], a Murim novel I've enjoyed reading. After meeting the rescue team of the Three Great Doctors', I found out that one of the person I saved was the protagonist of this novel, the future Demon King Yeoharyun'! "Hey, since I'm indebted to you for saving me, call me hyung'." For saving his life, I become sworn brothers with the future Demon King, and Baekrineuison, one of the most knowledgeable people around, recognized my potential and took me in as his disciple. This is the story of how I became the greatest physician in Gangho! Rsum franais : J'tais l'tranger pour faire du bnvolat mdical, lorsque la guerre civile a clat. J'ai t tu par un soldat rebelle, alors que je prenais une balle pour un patient. Mais quand je me suis finalement rveill, j'tais devenu un enfant ! Et devant moi se tenait une charrette dtruite et un groupe de personnes bizarrement vtues, qui taient inconscientes ! "C'est exactement comme un monde de Murim." Alors que je m'empresse de prodiguer les premiers soins pour tenter de sauver ne serait-ce qu'une personne, je ralise que ce monde est celui du [Roi Dmon Suprme], un roman de Murim que j'ai pris plaisir lire. Aprs avoir rencontr l'quipe de secours des "Trois Grands Docteurs", j'ai dcouvert qu'une des personnes que j'ai sauves tait le protagoniste de ce roman, le futur Roi Dmon "Yeoharyun" ! "H, puisque je te suis redevable de m'avoir sauv, appelle-moi "hyung"." Pour lui avoir sauv la vie, je suis devenu frre de sang du futur Roi Dmon, et Baekrineuison, l'une des personnes les mieux informes, a reconnu mon potentiel et m'a pris comme disciple. C'est ainsi que je suis devenu le plus grand mdecin de Gangho !

Chapters (149)
Jul 20, 2024
Chapter 162
Jul 18, 2024
Chapter 161
Jul 20, 2024
Chapter 157
Jul 12, 2024
Chapter 160
Jul 20, 2024
Chapter 156
Jul 02, 2024
Chapter 159
Jul 02, 2024
Chapter 158
Jun 13, 2024
Chapter 155
Jun 13, 2024
Chapter 154
Mar 10, 2024
Chapter 152
Mar 10, 2024
Chapter 151
Feb 06, 2024
Chapter 150
Feb 03, 2024
Chapter 149
Feb 03, 2024
Chapter 148
Jan 13, 2024
Chapter 147
Jan 13, 2024
Chapter 146
Dec 27, 2023
Chapter 145
Dec 22, 2023
Chapter 144
Dec 19, 2023
Chapter 143
Dec 19, 2023
Chapter 142
Dec 19, 2023
Chapter 141
Nov 17, 2023
Chapter 140
Nov 10, 2023
Chapter 139
Nov 10, 2023
Chapter 138
Oct 31, 2023
Chapter 137
Oct 18, 2023
Chapter 136
Oct 13, 2023
Chapter 135
Oct 09, 2023
Chapter 134
Oct 09, 2023
Chapter 133
Oct 02, 2023
Chapter 132
Oct 02, 2023
Chapter 131
Oct 02, 2023
Chapter 130
Oct 02, 2023
Chapter 129
Oct 02, 2023
Chapter 128
Sep 30, 2023
Chapter 127
Sep 13, 2023
Chapter 126
Jul 20, 2024
Chapter 125
Aug 15, 2023
Chapter 124
Aug 15, 2023
Chapter 123
Jul 21, 2023
Chapter 122
Jul 04, 2023
Chapter 121
Jul 04, 2023
Chapter 120
Jul 21, 2023
Chapter 118
Apr 10, 2023
Chapter 119
Mar 25, 2023
Chapter 117
Mar 18, 2023
Chapter 116
Mar 15, 2023
Chapter 115
Mar 02, 2023
Chapter 114
Feb 24, 2023
Chapter 113
Feb 18, 2023
Chapter 112
Feb 10, 2023
Chapter 111
Jan 25, 2023
Chapter 110
Jan 19, 2023
Chapter 109
Jan 09, 2023
Chapter 108
Jan 05, 2023
Chapter 107
Dec 29, 2022
Chapter 106
Dec 25, 2022
Chapter 105
Dec 16, 2022
Chapter 104
Dec 09, 2022
Chapter 103
Dec 02, 2022
Chapter 102
Nov 27, 2022
Chapter 101
Nov 27, 2022
Chapter 100
Nov 09, 2022
Chapter 99
Nov 01, 2022
Chapter 98
Oct 28, 2022
Chapter 97
Oct 28, 2022
Chapter 96
Oct 14, 2022
Chapter 95
Jul 21, 2023
Chapter 94
Aug 02, 2022
Chapter 93: S2 End
Aug 02, 2022
Chapter 92
Jul 24, 2022
Chapter 91
Jul 11, 2022
Chapter 90
Jul 05, 2022
Chapter 89
Jun 29, 2022
Chapter 88
Jun 22, 2022
Chapter 87
Jun 18, 2022
Chapter 86
Jun 10, 2022
Chapter 85
May 31, 2022
Chapter 84
May 27, 2022
Chapter 83
May 22, 2022
Chapter 82
May 13, 2022
Chapter 81
May 06, 2022
Chapter 80
Apr 26, 2022
Chapter 79
Apr 20, 2022
Chapter 78
Apr 12, 2022
Chapter 77
Apr 12, 2022
Chapter 76
Apr 09, 2022
Chapter 75
Apr 09, 2022
Chapter 74
Mar 25, 2022
Chapter 73
Mar 16, 2022
Chapter 72
Mar 13, 2022
Chapter 71
Mar 05, 2022
Chapter 70
Feb 25, 2022
Chapter 69
Feb 16, 2022
Chapter 68
Feb 16, 2022
Chapter 67
Feb 07, 2022
Chapter 66
Dec 02, 2021
Chapter 65
Dec 02, 2021
Chapter 64
Nov 28, 2021
Chapter 63
Nov 26, 2021
Chapter 62
Nov 05, 2021
Chapter 61
Nov 05, 2021
Chapter 60
Oct 27, 2021
Chapter 59
Oct 17, 2021
Chapter 58
Oct 12, 2021
Chapter 57
Oct 10, 2021
Chapter 56
Oct 07, 2021
Chapter 55
Oct 07, 2021
Chapter 54
Sep 13, 2021
Chapter 53
Aug 29, 2021
Chapter 52
Aug 29, 2021
Chapter 51
Aug 13, 2021
Chapter 50
Aug 07, 2021
Chapter 49
Aug 07, 2021
Chapter 48
Jul 24, 2021
Chapter 47
Jul 15, 2021
Chapter 46
Jul 09, 2021
Chapter 45
Jun 29, 2021
Chapter 44
Jun 21, 2021
Chapter 43
Jun 16, 2021
Chapter 42
Jun 08, 2021
Chapter 41
May 31, 2021
Chapter 40
May 29, 2021
Chapter 39
May 21, 2021
Chapter 38
May 13, 2021
Chapter 37
May 05, 2021
Chapter 36
Apr 25, 2021
Chapter 35
Apr 20, 2021
Chapter 34
Apr 12, 2021
Chapter 33
Apr 05, 2021
Chapter 32
Mar 29, 2021
Chapter 31
Mar 20, 2021
Chapter 30
Mar 15, 2021
Chapter 29
Mar 10, 2021
Chapter 28
Mar 10, 2021
Chapter 27
Feb 24, 2021
Chapter 26
Feb 24, 2021
Chapter 25
Feb 22, 2021
Chapter 24
Feb 22, 2021
Chapter 23
Feb 22, 2021
Chapter 22
Feb 22, 2021
Chapter 21
Feb 22, 2021
Chapter 20
Feb 16, 2021
Chapter 19
Jan 31, 2021
Chapter 18
Jan 31, 2021
Chapter 17
Jan 31, 2021
Chapter 16
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 15
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 14
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 13
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 12
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 11
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 10
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 9
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 8
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 7
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 6
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 5
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 4
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 3
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 2
Jan 30, 2021
Chapter 1