Read manga: Tsukiuta. Tweet Manga -Tsukitwi.-


Broadcast begins in July 6th, 2016! The popular series “Tsukiuta.” has been adapted into a long-awaited 4koma manga!We’ll give you a little peek into the daily lives and work activities of the units Six Gravity (Nickname: Gravi) and Procellarum (Nickname: Procella) from Tsukino Talent Productions!

Chapters (45)
Aug 29, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 45: Stardust
Aug 29, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 44: The Middle Group's (Arata, Aoi, You, Yoru) Summer
Aug 29, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 43: Ghost Stories
Aug 29, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 42: The Juniors' (Kakeru, Koi, Iku, Rui) Summer
Aug 29, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 41: Entering The Summer Arc
Aug 29, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 40: Something Summery
Aug 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 39: Back Again
Aug 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 38: This Isn’T How Things Should Have Been
Aug 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 37: Of Course Everyone's Getting One
Aug 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 36: Going Out For Wool And Coming Home Shorn
Aug 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 35: Mentioning Latin Words Sounds Cool
Aug 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 34: Just Kidding
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 33: Demon World Battle Tournament Arc
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 32: The Plans From Now On (Provisional)
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 31: He’S Not Being A Bully
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 30: Procella’S Senior Pair (Kai And Shun)
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 29: He Retorts In The End
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 28: Procella’S Middle Pair (You And Yoru)
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 27: Ikkun
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 26: Procella’S Junior Pair (Rui And Iku)
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 25: In Procella's Case
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 24: Daily Life Idols
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 23: Wake-Up Prank
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 22: Gravi’S Senior Pair (Hajime And Haru)
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 21: That's True
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 20: Gravi’S Middle Pair (Arata And Aoi)
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 19: We Want To Hurry Up And Get Big
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 18: Gravi's Junior Pair (Kakeru And Koi)
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 17: Duos
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 16: Sorry About That
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 15: November - Shimotsuki Shun
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 14: October - Kannaduki Iku
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 13: September - Nagatsuki Yoru
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 12: August - Haduki You
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 11: July - Fuduki Kai
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 10: June - Minaduki Rui
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 9: Celebrating ☆ 4Koma (You Read The Other One So You Got The Gist Of Things)
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 8: Wrapping Up
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 7: May - Satsuki Aoi
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 6: April - Uduki Arata
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 5: March - Yayoi Haru
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 4: February - Kisaragi Koi
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 3: January - Mutsuki Hajime
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 2: December - Shiwasu Kakeru
Jun 23, 2023
Vol.1 Chapter 1: Celebrating ☆ 4Koma Manga Adaptation