The story revolves around a guy named Chord Belote, who is forced to become a knight, in order to support his poor family. He is treated as an errand boy, but he gets lost in a forest during one of his errands and meets the supposedly "evil witch."
Chapters (7)
Jun 21, 2012
Vol.001 Ch.Omake: Interval Turn - The Sleeping Angel and the Evil Devil
Jun 21, 2012
Vol.001 Ch.006: Turn 006 - Coral Barrier ReefJun 21, 2012
Vol.001 Ch.005: Turn 005 - Dan Dan UiliqJun 21, 2012
Vol.001 Ch.004: Turn 004 - Gothic PlusJun 21, 2012
Vol.001 Ch.003: Turn 003 - Saline RoyaleJun 21, 2012
Vol.001 Ch.002: Turn 002 - Ungeheuer GardenJun 21, 2012
Vol.001 Ch.001: Turn 001 - Needle Vault